Friday, April 15, 2011

Preparing for change, simple free Spotify playlist export

If the uppcomming changes to Spotify will happen I guess a lot of people, including me, wish to save their Spotify playlists.

If the only thing you need to save is artist and track name as text in a list, then it's easy:

The only thing you need is but apparently also MS Word works.

In Spotify:
  1. Select one track by clicking on it.
  2. Press Ctrl-a
  3. Press Ctrl-c or press the right mouse button and in the popup menu select Copy HTTP Link.

  1. Create new empty Text Document.
  2. Press Ctrl-v or press the right mouse button and in the popup menu select Paste.

Thats it.

I find this change really disappointing since the free version of Spotify has been an innovative and useful service, a radio station with commercials but where you as a listener can select the music. Spotify has been excellent way to explore old music and to find new still fairly unknown artists.


  1. Or just record the music on playlist

  2. Recording would be nice, but how do you do it without downgrading audio quality as all solutions seem to rely on the analog hole? Also the automatic tools available seem to be infected with at least spyware.
